Contemporary Artistic Rituals

We need new rituals to re-imagine the world we live in, to reconnect with ourselves emotionally, new rituals where creativity, humanity, and community can become engines of change and social transformation

The objective of this project is to seek new creative forms to free ourselves from the fears that paralyze us and emotionally connect with the people in our environment, both known and unknown, to imagine new paradigms of relationship and coexistence.

We are developing 4 lines of work where we put art at the service of people:

Laboratories, Experiments, collaborative projects, and acts of liberation

These 4 lines of work form an ecosystem where creativity, innovation, and human relationships intertwine to find new creative horizons and self-awareness.



22th of March.  Acts Laboratory- St Hipòlit de Voltregà (Catalonia)

24th of April. Exp nº3: Fears’ Museum- St hipòlit de Voltregà (Catalonia)

8th-11th of April. Acts Laboratory- Igualada (Catalonia)

9th of May. Act 2: LOVE- Cool days Festival – Artà (Mallorca)

18th of May. Exp 3: Fears’ Museum-Igualada (Catalonia)

1st of April-1st of June.  LOVE Laboratory-Pamplona (Navarra)

7th of June. LOVE Laboratory showcase-Pamplona (Navarra)

15th and 6th of June. Act 2: LOVE-Festival Artisti in Piazza-Penabilli (Italy)

2nd of July. Act 2: LOVE-St Hipòlit de Voltregà (Catalonia)

4th and 5th of July. Experiment nº4 – The Impermanence- Festival Cratére Surfaces- Alès (France)

6th of July. Act 2: LOVE – Festival Portalblau-l’Escala (Catalonia)

10th and 11th of July. Act 1: MONEY-Festival Chalon dans la Rue-Chalon sur saône (France)

12th and 13th of July. Act 2: LOVE-Festival Grec-Barcelona (Catalonia)

22nd-25th of July Acts Laboratory – Tàrrega – Catalonia

26th of July, 18h: Fear’s Laboratory Showcase – Tàrrega

17th of August. Act 2: LOVE-Festival Arca-Aguilar de Campoo (Castella i Lleó)

5th-8th of September: Experiment n.3 Fear’s Laboratory – Fira Tàrrega

6th and 7th of September Act 2: LOVE – Fira Tàrrega (Catalonia)

17th-19th of September – Acts of Liberation Laboratory – Argentona

23rd-29th of September. Creation residence of FEAR. Centre National d’arts de la Rue L’usine (France)

4th- of October. Act 2: LOVE- Festival Sense Portes- Argentona (Catalonia) 

6th of October. Fear’s Museum- Festival Sense Portes- Argentona (Catalonia)

15th-17th of October. Acts Laboratory -Escena Poblenou-Barcelona (Catalonia)

19th of October.Act 2: LOVE-Escena Poblenou-Barcelona (Catalonia)

20th of October. Acts of Liberation Laboratory showcase -Escena Poblenou-Barcelona (Catalonia)


27th and 28th of June. Act 2: LOVE-Centre National d’arts de la Rue L’usine (France)

3rd-5th of July. Act 2: LOVE and Act 3: FEAR-Festival Cratére Surfaces- Alès (France)


We are a multidisciplinary team and we are motivated to combine and experiment with the tools that each one brings and look for alchemies that can encourage participation, connection and bonding in a sensitive way that can expand the limits of creativity.

The core creative team is Rosita Luz Calvi, Quim Moya, Sergi Estebanell and we have a team of advisors from the fields of creativity, technical, psychology, social transformation, technology, therapeutics, among others.

Acts of Liberation is a co-production of: FiraTàrrega, Residència d’artistes Cal Gras, Le Cratère | Scène nationale d’Ales, l’Usine: Centre national des arts de rue et espace public” Tournefeuille, Festival Escena Poblenou, Ajuntament de St. Hipòlit de Voltregà, Ajuntament d’Argentona i Festival Grec de Barcelona.

With the support of:
: MAC Festival (Mercè Arts de Carrer), Nau Ivanow, In-Loft (Copons), Fundació Carulla, Institut Ramon Llull, L’Estruch, PATEA, Generalitat de Catalunya (ICEC), Ajuntament de Barcelona, INAEM, Fundación Caja Navarra, Fundació Pinnae.


If you want more information about hiring or other topics, do not hesitate to contact us

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